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No phone line

With Brige stranded on holiday and having no phone line, it’s up to me to write the blog …

I was looking around online today and found that the London bombings have already fallen into the hands of the cranky conspiracy theorists. Nothing ever happens in a straightforward way or for a simple reason for these people, and if it wasn’t such a serious thing to be making up stories about, their reasoning would be laughable.

I can hardly wait for the next big revelation to hit the web, so I’ll break the news here.

Do you remember when Bobby Ewing suddenly returned from the dead in Dallas? Well Patrick Duffy was really the subject of the first experiment in reality tv. That show he was in before Dallas, The Man from Atlantis, was a documentary dressed up as entertainment by the government. He really was from Atlantis, which is a small planet hiding behind Venus and only visible if you wear super-secret alien x-ray binoculars, which were found in the wreckage of the Roswell crash.

They tried to return him to his home planet while he was in Dallas, but he slipped into orbit around the Earth instead and only managed to escape by crash landing a couple of years later. Which is why he was found hiding in the shower. All that time trapped in space left him horribly dehydrated and he needed the water.

You can laugh (I wish you’d start to be honest) but it will all be revealed soon on ifyoubelievethisshityouaremad.com.

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