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If you can’t stand the heat …

England and hot weather just don’t mix. We’ve been having a heatwave for a few days and this country is not designed for sunshine. Instead of a dry heat, we get terrible humidity and very uncomfortable nights. While we’ve been baking to death in the south, the north of the country has had flash floods. I wish I lived in the north and I can’t wait for October and November to come back, so we can get some sanity in the weather again.

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  • sanbra 24. Juni 2005, 14:57, 14:57

    Same in Switzerland, can’t wait for the winter to come back an bring us decent temperatures…

  • Tim 24. Juni 2005, 20:36, 20:36

    Sanity returned today with 20 degrees, heavy rain and a fresh wind. Tomorrow we have north east winds and more low temperatures 🙂 I hope you get the same sort of thing soon.

  • xirah 28. Juni 2005, 21:07, 21:07

    Bunch of freaks, wishing winter back, how can you?!

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